June 30, 2011

Wired: Jargon Watch

This was a project I did a couple of months ago for Wired Magazine. Unfortunately the piece ended up being pulled before it could be published, but I thought I would give it a home here so that it wouldn't languish on my hard drive.

The assignment was to illustrate a recently coined phrase for the monthly feature "Jargon Watch."

This was the list of phrases I had to choose from:

Longdaysin: A newly discovered molecule that can change the circadian rhythm of animals and is being tested as a jetlag remedy

WWF: A new file type that is unprintable (designed to reduce paper use in offices.)

The study of cultural trends based on quantifiable analysis of books. (As opposed to literary interpretation.)

Pocket airports: Small airports designed for residential neighborhoods.

I was so inspired by the selection (and so excited to be working for Wired) that I ended up doing a sketch for each term.

Longdaysin:  A fish trying to cope with his newly adjusted circadian rhythm. ( Essentially, a fish with insomnia. Other possibilities for depicting this would be to show the fish sitting up watching TV late at night.)

WWF: person working on their laptop in the canopy of a rainforest.

Culturomics: a book being studied by scientists in a lab.

Pocket Airports (a): A suburban cul-de-sac with planes instead of cars. 

Pocket Airports (b): A riff on the classic suburban image of a man washing his car, replacing the car with a plane.

Pocket Airports (c): A suburban home with a plane parked out front and a sky full of plane traffic. I would also include a little family next to the plane waving to the camera, like a vintage family photo.

The art director liked the illustration for Pocket Airports and I did another round of sketches developing the idea further.

Here was final rendering.

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